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Steppe Outcast


Not all initiates to the IceWind order are successful. Some lack the necessary patience, others are found wanting in mental edurance. However being excluded from the order cannot make them forget what they have learned.
When the Outcasts first began performing supposedly forbidden magic on their own, the IceWind order raised an uproar in the tribal council. Under threat of exile the Outcasts were forced to ceace their activities. But their order survived, albeit in a different form. Rather then mimic their counterparts, they developed a parallel sect taht exists on the fringes of the tribe. The magics worked by the Outcasts are undeniably crude, but have great practicle use. However they are denied the mystical union with their icy home, that is a right reserved for the Herders.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: Đơn vị này có đòn tấn công phép thuật, luôn có cơ hội đánh trúng đối thủ cao.

Nâng cấp từ: Icewind Herder
Nâng cấp thành: Steppe Pariah
Chi phí: 30
Máu: 52
Di chuyển: 5
KN: 50
Trình độ: 2
Phân loại: hỗn độn
IDEE Steppe Outcast
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(image)frigid touch
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